The Ghana Twins Foundation as part of its campaign to get twins off the streets has been able to transform a number of twins from the streets and integrated them into the main stream of development.

A number of twin children have been exploited in the act of street begging, however by the compassion of the Foundation, today they are all in school and the Foundation is supporting these children in all aspect of life helping them to develop their potential to grow up to become useful and resourceful citizens of the nation.

Currently the Foundation has launched an advocacy campaign to draw government and stakeholders attention to the plight of twins being used to beg for alms on the streets.

The Foundation has organized several advocacy programmes as well as educated mothers to discourage exploitation of twins.

Begging with Twins is a common sight in Accra. This form of societal phenomenon denies the children a proper upbringing and hinders their chances of a better future. – Ghana Twins Foundation, 2009 report.